Call & SMS Blocking Come to Project Fi in Latest Update

Project Fi has been around for about a year now, and it’s Google’s own stab at being a wireless carrier. Working with both T-Mobile and Sprint as a back-bone for the network, Project Fi is the only MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) that can seamlessly switch between more than one carrier network. Others, like Straight Talk, require separate SIM cards for using different networks. Project Fi can also seamlessly switch to WiFi networks and hotspots. Since launching last year, Project Fi has gotten quite a few updates and loads of new features. Today’s update brings a feature that many users have been asking for. That’s the ability to block calls and text messages from certain numbers.

There are already loads of apps that can block calls and many of them can block text messages. But being able to do it through Project Fi is a better idea. For one, those that you block, will stay blocked even if you switch smartphones, or need to do a factory reset. Seeing as Project Fi will block these numbers from ringing on every platform (including using Hangouts on other smartphones, tablets or the desktop). Compared to other third-party apps that offer the same functionality, which will only block it on your smartphone. And if you ever need to change smartphones, then you’ll lose that list of blocked numbers. This makes for a much better experience all around.

To block numbers, just head on into the “Account” section of the Project Fi app. Under the “Call & Text Settings” you’ll see “Blocked numbers” listed there. Tap on that, and you’ll be able to block all of the numbers that you don’t want to hear from again. It’s pretty simple, and of course you can also unblock specific numbers if you wish to do so.

The Project Fi app has been updated on the Google Play Store and you can pick up the updated version right now. Of course, if you don’t have Project Fi – meaning you use another carrier for your smartphone service – then it’s not going to be of much use to you.