Mobile games come in all shapes and sizes from RPG, to racing, to card games. If competitive style play and card-based combat are your thing then you may want to give Cthulhu Realms a try, a card game where your main goal is to drive your opponent insane. You can, of course, win by having more sanity on the board by the time you and your opponent run out of cards in your deck, but would the victory feel as accomplished if this were the case? Coming from the same development studio that launched Star Realms, Cthulhu Realms kicks things up a notch.
There are two different versions of the game, free and paid, both of which have slightly different features to offer the user. The paid version is the full version of the game and allows players to go up against the A.I. and play in two different difficulty modes which include easy and hard. The free version of the game does not include the two different difficulties but you can play against other players and the game has cross-device play so you don’t lose any of your data, and you can still play against the A.I. if you ant some practice before you go up against real players.
The goal is to be the last person on the board or have the most sanity on the board when everyone’s deck runs out of cards. As you play certain cards that boost your own sanity up, it takes the sanity level of other players down, and once you run out of sanity, you lose. Both versions of the game have a tutorial in place so if you aren’t familiar with card games or just this card game in general, you can ease your way into things so you have a simpler time with the game later on. There is a total of 8 campaign missions for the free version of the game, and 16 campaign missions for the full version, and both versions of the game contain comic style visual graphics. The game is free to download and does include in-app purchases for the full version if you like the game and wish to activate all of the features.