Latest Remix Mini Update Removes Google Apps

Recently, indicators have started to point towards Google taking a more uniformed approach to their Android operating system and Chrome OS. While there has always been some rumors floating around this, the recent reports highly suggest that the Play Store, and by association, Android apps, could become available to those running Chrome OS. Of course, this is not the first time that a company has tried to blend a more desktop experience with Android apps, you only have to look at the Jide’s Remix Mini which runs on Remix OS for a taste of such blending. This is an ultra-affordable route to running a PC-focused version of Android.

However, in spite of looking to offer a more desktop-like Android experience, it seems Jide made an interesting announcement on the future of their Remix Mini. The short of the announcement is that Jide is effectively removing Google apps from the Remix Mini in its next update. While this is a pretty important announcement for owners of the Remix Mini, Jide was initially a little tight-lipped on why they have made this decision, simply stating that this “is to ensure a consistent experience across all Android devices for all apps.” However, since the first announcement (which came through late yesterday) Jide has provided more information and confirmed that this is at the bequest of Google and due to how the Remix Mini provides its unique Android experience. As to whether this is a permanent state of affairs or whether Google apps will be reintroduced in the future, currently remains to be seen.

Either way, the announcement does make the point that if you would like to continue using Google apps on your Remix Mini, then you can by opting to forgo the update when it becomes available. Although Jide does further point out that by doing this, you will also be forgoing any further updates or bug fixes. Alternatively, if you update when the latest update becomes available, then you should expect to see the suite of Google apps no longer available. Those interested in finding out more about this can head through the source link below.