In this modern day of texting and emailing, people do not want to talk face-to-face anymore. This phenomenon is showing up in all facets of business, especially when it comes to the techie world of smartphones. As a result there are now many ways to solve a problem via online services, by using chat or looking in a forum (where others may have experienced the same issue). Often this is the quickest way to solve a problem without having to push a bunch of buttons and go around in a circle.
It was back in 2013 when TELUS launched its own ‘Network Experience” and it is now being reported that Rogers and Fido have now introduced their self-service network tool called ‘NetworkAid.’ This tool just another step in CEO Guy Laurence’s 3.0 Plan to improve customer service and Rogers quest to be the best carrier in Canada – the latest study from CCTS singled out Rogers’ great efforts to cut down on customer complaints.
Rogers’ NetworkAid app not only will allow you to check on how well their network is performing, but it also makes it easy for you to submit a complaint. The app rolled out in beta in January 2016, and in this short period, Rogers has noticed some significant findings. One of the nice things for Rogers about sending your complaint or observation through an app is reducing network calls to technical support teams – a 17-percent reduction in four months. Rogers also said that the customers used the app 57 thousand times and the online tool 11 thousand times to check the status of their network – although it is a little disheartening to think that many users were concerned about the network connectivity.
It is expected that the NetworkAid will grow to more than just reporting network coverage and waiting for a reply via email or text message when the problem is resolved. The TELUS app seems to go into a little more detail, such as information on targeted updates, general network news, and announcements about LTE expansions. It uses GPS to help narrow down where the problem is occurring and includes tips and surveys. Rogers or Fido customers can access NetworkAid by getting online or through the MyRogers or MyAccount apps.