Stay On Top Of Your Credit With The CreditWise Beta App

Staying on top of your credit can be a challenging task if you don’t know where to start, and often times it can be as simple as knowing your credit score. You can’t really begin to build up your credit if you don’t what your score is, and although there are ways to find your credit score online, and for free in more than a few cases, there are also quite a few applications that can be found on Android which will allow you to find out your credit score, like CreditWise Beta from Capital One, while other finance apps like Robinhood can help you invest, or EasyBudget which helps you create and stick to your budget.

With CreditWise Beta, you can do more than just check your credit score as it also allows you to monitor your credit continuously. If you already have things on your credit and won’t be trying to build it for the first time, the app can show you what credit cards and loans you may already have tied to your credit history, and users can easily find this information in the profile section. The app pulls information from TransUnion, which is one of the three major credit organizations, and it can deliver weekly updates on your credit score so you’re always aware of any changes whether it’s an increase or a decrease in your score.

Being on top of your credit can be more than just knowing your score and making payments on time to increase it, though. Knowing how certain financial decisions will affect your credit score can be important too, and CreditWise Beta will allow you to see how these everyday decisions will play a role. Using CreditWise is also free so you won’t have to worry about paying for score information. Should any changes to your credit score ever arise, the app will let you know via alerts that show up as notifications in your status bar. It’s worth mentioning that CreditWise is a beta version of the app, so there’s always the possibility that you could experience bugs or hiccups. Capital One is also encouraging users to share feedback so that they can make the app better and improve the user experience.