Top 10: Learn To Read Music Apps For Android – May 2016

The best time to start learning how to play an instrument is ‘as soon as possible’. The truth is there’s never a good time, as it does require concentration, determination and most importantly, time. However, learning to play music can be extremely rewarding. So it is best to just jump in head first and as soon as you can. While learning to play an instrument is one thing, learning to read music and being able to play from scores and tablature is quite another. However, there are a number of Android apps which are designed to make the learning process a little easier. Below are ten of those apps that are worth checking out.

Music Tutor (Sight Reading)

Up first on today’s music reading and learning apps is Music Tutor. This is an app which looks to help you learn and improve on your sight-reading skills. In particular, in getting faster at identifying notes and reading music. However, this app does also offer additional features so you can better tune your ear to hearing what note is being played.


The next app worth checking out is MuseScore. In truth, this is more of a music score reader than a learning or learning to read music app. However, it does look to help you practice speed by listening to the notes and adjusting the tempo. Not to mention, it does come with quite a decent selection of music scores to practice with.

Read Sheet Music

Read Sheet Music is another app which looks to help learners improve their sight reading. As well as twenty five dedicated lessons, this one also offers a number of quizzes so that you can test yourself and see just how much you have learned.


Music Reading Trainer

When it comes to learning anything, some will tell you that flashcards are definitely the way to go. Quick snippets of information which you can digest and a great way to test your knowledge. If this is your preferred route of learning then Music Reading Trainer is the app for you.

Music Theory – Chords in Keys

Music Theory looks to adopt much more of an ‘old school’ approach to music learning and is far more knowledge-based than anything else. So if you would like a greater understanding of notes, chords, minors and majors, then this is one worth checking out.

NoteTeacher – read sheet music

On the face of it, NoteTeacher seems to be a very close app to Music Tutor. It is another app which looks to help the user improve sight reading speed and even adopts a similar layout and design. However, this one does bring with it the added benefit of increased difficulty levels the more you use it.

Functional Ear Trainer

While most of the apps here look to improve sight reading abilities, this is one which focuses more on the ability to identify notes and their tones. Playing by ear is a very specific ability and as you might expect, requires a whole different approach to learning.

Music Theory Helper

Like Music Theory, Music Theory Helper looks to provide the user with a more traditional level of music understanding and learning. So again, chords, scales, symbols and intervals. So depending on which app style and design you prefer, this might be one worth checking out.

Piano Chords, Scales Companion

Generally speaking, learning to read music is a universal instrument activity. For instance, a C major on the piano is the same as C major on the guitar. But if you are more specifically interested in learning to play the piano (or learning to read piano music), then this app might be better suited to your needs.

Guitar Chords

Likewise, if you are more interested in picking up the guitar and learning guitar music (which is displayed differently and makes use of tablature), then this is the app to go for. It will help you understand Chords, finger positions and everything else you need to know to be able to quickly read guitar tabs.