Pokémon GO is a wildly entertaining mobile game for Android and iOS that has exploded in popularity in a very short time. It involves going to real-world locations to find and catch Pokémon using your smartphone’s camera and augmented reality (AR). Because of the way the game is played, it can involve patience and often a lot of walking. But you don’t necessarily have to put in all that effort to get the rewards; here are the best Pokémon GO “cheats” so far.
First off, why walk when you can roll or fly? Try using bikes, skateboards, hoverboards, personal scooters or even drones to help you catch the little critters faster. Or maybe you’d like to hatch some eggs, which involves a good deal of walking around. That sounds like a job you could delegate to, say, your dog. Find a way to fasten your phone to your furry little friend and your job is done. Or, to put a twist on this idea, a cleaning robot such as a Roomba can hatch your eggs while cleaning your living room. Another popular method is using a driving service like Uber. When done in a group, this can be a cost-effective way to catch a lot of Pokémon in a short time. Next up, you could consider hiring someone who offers Pokémon GO services. Ivy St. Ive, a New York City resident, for example, will find and grab Pokémon for you, and even hatch your eggs, for a fee of $20 per hour. She will provide updates and you don’t even need to give her your phone, just your account info. Lastly, dedicated services like “Poké Walk” offer something similar in the form of an app that will link you to trainers near you to catch Pokémon for you. Poké Walk is not yet available but is currently accepting registrations.
It should go without saying that these techniques go against the way the Pokémon GO was intended to be played, and in some cases could be a violation of the game’s terms of use, so do them at your own risk. With that said, if you don’t want to play by the rules, they will certainly give you a head start on “catching ‘em all”. This could prove quite useful to those playing Pokémon GO obsessively, to give them a much-needed break from the game.