As you’ve probably heard and seen, Pokemon GO is sweeping the nation – actually it’s sweeping the world. It launched about a week and a half ago, and appears to be the only thing that people are talking about. There’s already been stories about Pokemon GO players finding dead bodies, falling off cliffs, and on a brighter note, a group of players actually saved a dying man’s life. Safe to say, Pokemon GO is changing the world.
Now if you’ve been playing Pokemon GO, you probably have collected a good number of Pokemon already. But what about those rare Pokemon like Charizard, Charmeleon, Muk, Dragonair, Blastoise or the many others out there? Those can be a bit tougher to find, which is why they are known as “rare” Pokemon. However, there is a way to find these rare Pokemon. The easiest way to find them, is to level up. Once you hit level 10 as a Pokemon Trainer, you’ll start to find more of these beasts hanging around your neighborhood. To level up, you’ll need to stop at PokeStops, go to Gyms, catch Pokemon and much more. It’s actually fairly easy to level up.
Once you’ve leveled up a bit, you can find these Pokemon by using the “Nearby” menu within the game. This shows you what Pokemon are nearby. The less foot steps it has below it, the closer they are to your location. So 3 steps is equal to about 300 meters. Using the Nearby menu, you can also circle which Pokemon you want to capture. This will help the game show you the Pokemon you want, instead of just capturing the same Pokemon over and over again. Especially if you are only walking in the same general area.
There are plenty of other great Pokemon GO tips already here on the site. It’s a great game that has really gotten people out of their comfort zone, and it appears that everyone is playing the game these days. Much more than with Niantic’s first game, Ingress. A bit surprising since Pokemon is basically using the same mechanics as Ingress, but with Pokemon instead.