Five Fun Facts About The LG G5

The LG G5 has been under-performing in the market, falling under the shadow of the Samsung Galaxy S7, but with the same processor, same amount of RAM, same screen resolution, and a few other things going for it, LG’s newest flagship may deserve a second look if you happen to be in the market for a new device right now. Modular capabilities are a good reason to check out the LG G5, but there are plenty of other things that distinguish LG’s latest and greatest from other flagships out there right now, and LG has brought up five points in particular to catch would-be buyers’ attention.

The first point that they want everybody who is smartphone shopping to pay attention to is the fact that the LG G5’s charging cradle actually serves double duty. On top of charging the phone, its accessories, and other USB-powered gear, it can charge a separate LG G5 battery too, giving you that extra boost of power for Pokemon GO, late-night work, or any other times when it would be a good idea to keep a spare handy. If you can get to a charger, however, the second fact is that the LG G5 can charge to 50 percent in just 10 minutes, giving you a good top-up in a ridiculously short time. The charging does slow down a bit from there, to protect the battery.

The third fact that they want users to consider is that the modular components, dubbed the LG Friends, can be used with devices besides the LG G5. When the LG Friends were first unveiled, it was found that the Bang & Olufsen audio module could be jury-rigged to work with any USB Type-C device. Not only is this an intended feature, most of the modules sport some variant of it. They can connect to any Android or iOS smartphone, and the audio module can be used with a computer. LG also boasted about their exclusive Auto Shot feature, which can fire off a selfie one second after it detects a subject has gone still. It can even be used for inanimate objects, snapping one second after the frame quits moving. Finally, they round out the list by pointing out LG Backup and wireless data transfer for switchers. Those coming from another phone with NFC can transfer their apps, data, text messages and a few other bits and bobs automatically, making setup that much easier. A similar feature is built into Android 6.0 Marshmallow and up, letting you touch your old phone to your new one to sync your Google details, but LG Backup goes a bit more in depth.