With the Primary Election for President of the United States taking place in November, those that are not currently registered to vote are quickly running out of time to do so. Every time there’s an election, the phrase “this is an important election” always appears, and it’s always true. Google is working to make it easier for everyone to find out how to register to vote, no matter what state they are located in – seeing as different states have different rules. On Monday, Google is going to be rolling out a tool in Google Search that will give you information on registering to vote. All you have to do is search for “register to vote” and you’ll get detailed information right there in search – this also works in the Google Search app. It’ll give you options for registering online, by mail or over the phone. Additionally, you’ll see the requirements as well as the deadlines for registering and being able to vote for President in November.
In the blog post announcing this feature, Jacob Schonberg, who is a product manager at Google, stressed that this is going to make it easier for everyone to register to vote, stating that “no matter which state you’re in or how you plan to cast your ballot, you can find the step-by-step information you need to register correctly and on time.” Google has always been about making our lives easier, and it appears that they are doing just that with this new feature, in Google Search.
Of course, that’s not all that Google had to announce today. They are also rolling out a tool for Google Search that allows you to keep up with the Republican National Convention which takes place July 18th through the 21st in Cleveland, OH and the Democratic National Convention which is being held in Philadelphia from July 25th through the 28th. The way it’ll work, is when you search for either of these conventions, the app will show a summary of the event, as well as information about the presidential nominee and a list of speakers. As expected, a stream of social media posts will also be shown in search results. This is going to make it easier for everyone to keep up with what is happening at both conventions, which marks the beginning of the road for Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump on their march to The White House.