OnePlus Begins Rolling Out New Update To The OnePlus 3

It has been a busy week in terms of updates for owners of the OnePlus 3. Ever since the OnePlus 3 was released, some owners had started noticing small issues with aspects like the color calibration, among other things. As such OnePlus was quick to confirm that an update would be heading out soon enough to remedy the issues noted and the update did finally begin rolling out earlier this week with an expected roll out completion time of about 48 hours.

However, not too long after the update started to be received by OnePlus 3 owners, other issues had started to be noted by owners in various forums, including the possibility that IMEI details were prone to public view when checking for new updates. Due to the various issues being noted, OnePlus did place the update on temporary hold citing that they were investigating the issues, although there was no official confirmation on what those issues were. Either way, it now looks like the update has started heading out to OnePlus 3 devices again, although this time it is not exactly the same update.

To all purposes and going strictly off the changelog, this does seem to be the same update which began rolling out a few days ago. However, in a new blog post on the update, OnePlus notes that they have skipped forward the update from OxygenOS 3.2.0 to 3.2.1. The reason for the skipping was not provided and the blog post does not address the issues which had been raised by the former update, although one notable change from the original 3.2.0 changelog is listed as “addressed SIM recognition issue.”  So either way and whether you updated your OnePlus 3 to 3.2.0 or not, you will be receiving the new 3.2.1 update as an OTA update. Obviously, if you were one of those who did not receive the initial 3.2.0 update before it was pulled, then this update will add in all the fixes which had been noted as well as whatever fixes 3.2.1 includes. As per usual, this is rolling out in stages so some will receive the update sooner than later, but all will receive it in due course.