Having been released just a week ago, Pokemon GO has already been making waves all over the internet, especially on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. While Pokemon has many fans of all ages around the globe who enjoy viewing content of Pokemon GO on their social media accounts, other people might be getting sick and tired of the sudden explosion of Pokemon-related content on their news feed. If you are one of those people, software developer, Jamie Farrelly, has come up with a Google Chrome extension that has the ability to eliminate anything Pokemon-related from your web browser.
The Chrome extension called “PokeGone- Gotta block ’em all” has three levels of settings, depending on how much Pokemon content you want to block. The three levels that comes with the extension are Mild, Aggressive and Vindictive. According to Digital Trends, mild setting proved to have a very minimal effect on Pokemon related content as there was not much of a difference while surfing on Facebook or Twitter. Using the Aggressive and Vindictive settings on the other hand proved to be way better in blocking Pokemon content, that is if you don’t mind having content which aren’t even related to Pokemon be removed. This is due to the fact that the extension will remove entire sections from your social media feed, instead of just a post with Pokemon content. If you put the setting to Vindictive, the extension will effectively wipe your news feed on Facebook clean and you will be left staring at a blank white page, save for the chat icon on the right-hand side of the page.
“PokeGone” is pretty similar to the “Trump Filter” which was released on the Chrome web store at the end of last year. It was created with the sole purpose to remove any Donald Trump-related posts floating around on your browser, but like the “PokeGone” extension, it will remove entire sections instead of just singular posts. If you would like to give the “PokeGone” extension a go, it can be found on the Chrome web store for free. The code to the extension can also be downloaded from GitHub if you would like to make improvements on the original extension.