Pros Give 5 Cheat-Like Tips For Playing Pokemon GO

Have you been playing Pokemon GO for a while? Feel like you’ve hit a  certain skill cap? Can’t seem to catch that elusive Snorlax which is surprisingly swift when dodging your Pokeballs for something that weighs over a ton? Worry not, as the latest Pokemon masters have recently gathered and listed five fantastic tips to help both new and experienced players get a competitive edge over other, more casual players.

The first and probably the most useful piece of advice every serious Pokemon GO player will give you is to hoard your Pidgeys, Weedles, and Caterpies until  your inventory is full. After that, just pop a Lucky Egg and evolve everything you can for 40,000+ XP in one short go, which is enough to jump through levels rather quickly until you hit level 20. Sure, you can hoard and evolve whatever you like, but the aforementioned trio requires only 12 Candy to evolve so it’s by far the most efficient one to use when power leveling with this technique. The second convenient tip is related to hidden Pokemon traits and best Pokemon GO players recommend everyone informs their humble selves on stuff like IVs and maybe even download one of the many Pokemon IV calculators available on the Play Store. The third tip is basically a cheat-like easter egg which allows you to force Eevee’s evolutions by giving your Eevee a specific nickname depending on whether you want to get a Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon.

The last two tips aren’t cheats but may be considered as unsportsmanlike practices by some. Namely, as GPS adapters don’t work perfectly with something anything solid between them and the sky, you can usually slowly work on hatching your eggs by plugging your phone and leaving the app open while at home or working indoors. As Pokemon GO will loose signal and recalibrate from time to time, your virtual avatar will move for a bit every once in a while. Guess what? Your in-game eggs will also slowly register kilometers while that happens. Last but not least, the most competitive Pokemon GO players use external tools like Pokevision and PokeNotify for tracking rare pocket monsters in their vicinity. Ever wondered how your friends somehow managed to capture over a hundred Pokemon in a week with the three-step tracking bug still present in the game? That’s how. So, if you want an edge over other trainers and are looking to catch ’em all as soon as possible, consider utilizing some of those tools.