Report: Google Fiber To Use Webpass Model To Save Costs

In accordance with last month’s predictions made by numerous industry experts after Google announced the acquisition of Webpass, the latest reports claim that the Mountain View-based tech giant is planning on merging the said ISP’s technology with its own solutions in order to further expand its Fiber Internet business in a more cost-effective manner. More specifically, Alphabet Inc. is planning to adopt the frugal business model of the San Francisco-based ISP, which became a leading Internet service provider in the US in just 13 years and without taking any external investments.

This presumably means Google will focus on wireless technology when expanding its Internet business, like what Webpass has been doing for years now. Of course, the Webpass model will certainly be much more efficient when paired with the resources Google can provide. Resources that the US company has been quite liberal with using in recent years which is why its Fiber business currently isn’t particularly lucrative. Of course, Google and Alphabet are hoping that’ll change in the near future. More specifically, Fiber will soon completely adopt the wireless approach of Webpass when expanding its Internet service and will do whatever it can do to stop digging up streets and laying cables in the future. So, while still remaining an ISP and after the Webpass acquisition goes through, Fiber will also start operating as a so-called WISP – a wireless Internet service provider. By utilizing wireless technologies, Google will soon be able to serve slightly lower bandwidth Fiber service to locations that wouldn’t be profitable to serve using traditional tech, industry experts suggest. That’s especially true for suburban and other lightly populated areas in the United States, so these regions are naturally the ones which will benefit the most from the fact that Webpass is now owned by Google Fiber.

Two years ago, the analyst Carlos Kirjner forecasted that Google will have to spend close to $30 billion before its Fiber service is up and running in 15 million homes. After the Webpass purchase was announced, Kirjner was reported as stating that it still not clear how much Google will save in the long run, though it’s certain that savings will be the end result of this latest acquisition.