Verizon Wireless is America’s largest carrier and offers a coast to coast high performance LTE data network with a choice of the latest smartphones. The company has repeatedly stated that it is concentrating on the better quality of postpay customer, meaning those able and willing to pay for Verizon’s comprehensive service. As such, Verizon Wireless have largely (but not completely) ignored the prepay market and do not partake in as many special deals or promotions are some of their competitor carriers. This written, the company has announced today that it is bringing its national trade-in event back.
From today, customers taking a new device or line activation can trade-in their old device for a value of up to $300 as a down payment on a new device or instead, can take a Verizon account credit or gift card alternative. For customers buying the Motorola-made Droid Turbo 2 or Maxx 2, Verizon will accept a trade-in with a cracked screen, otherwise the device must be in good working and cosmetic order. Verizon’s blog on the trade-in explains that the quickest way to obtain the savings off a new contract or line is in a store or an on-the-spot credit. Customers can also complete the trade-in application using the Verizon Wireless website rather than in the store if they prefer.
There are eight devices eligible for Verizon’s trade-in deal and these are the Apple iPhone 6S or 6S Plus, the HTC 10, LG G5, Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge and Note 5, the Droid Turbo 2 and the Maxx 2. Customers could receive the full $300 trade-in value if they are bringing in a Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge or Edge+, Note 5, the HTC One M9, iPhone 6, LG G4 or LG V10 devices – other smartphones are worth less as a trade-in. For customers new to Verizon in general, the company is offering up to $650 in order to pay off the old phone contract providing customers are trading in the old handset for a new one; this includes the $300 maximum trade-in, so Verizon is offering up to $350 in the shape of a prepaid card to cover another carrier’s early termination charges.