Action Launcher Beta Gets Some Nougat Launcher Features

The new launcher set to be featured in the final version of Android 7.0 Nougat and to ship with the upcoming Nexus smartphones recently leaked out, giving users a taste of its unique new features. A “Google pill” to access Google features, a new page indicator, and a new swipe-to-open app drawer that may be very familiar to Android fans that have been around since the platform’s early days are just a few of the cool features that were shown off. A good number of these new features have found their way into the newest beta version of Action Launcher, giving the launcher a unique mix of Marshmallow, Nougat, and custom features.

Action Launcher’s creator, Chris Lacy, took to Google+ to announce the new beta, available now in the Play Store. The beta is a version of the upcoming v3.9 update, which Lacy says will likely release in about two weeks. In the changelog, Lacy goes over a laundry list of the new features that are in this beta release. For starters, the retro pull-up app drawer is on board to give Cupcake, Donut, and Eclair fans a rush of nostalgia, and can be turned on in the app’s settings. The new caret page indicator and tinted dock plate from the Nougat launcher are also intact. Rounding things out, the new date widget and “Google pill” from Nougat make their way over and can be used separately or combined.

Android Nougat’s new folder look is not on board, but Lacy says that he is working to add it in. Things are reportedly a bit wonky with the All Apps search box, as well. Lacy acknowledged this and stated that he is working to fix it before the final release of Action Launcher version 3.9. In the comments of the Google+ post, Lacy stated that a former colleague who recently passed away had “intense work ethic”, which inspired him to put in the insane amount of work it took to get these features into Action Launcher and a beta release out the door within two days and some change. If you would like to try out the fruits of his labor, hit the Play Store badge below to check it out; be sure to sign up for the beta.