Google Announces Open Registration For Indie Games Festival

Google has officially announced that the registration for the upcoming Indie Games Festival is now open, set to happen next month on September 24th in San Francisco. Google initially announced the Google Play Indie Games Festival towards the end of last month stating that they would have a number of games on exhibit to showcase during the event. At the time, no games had been selected as Google had just started accepting submissions from indie game developers, with submission times being open all the way up until August 14th. Now that the submission time has passed, Google has selected the 30 games which will be showcased during the festival in addition to opening up registration today for anyone who is interested in going.

Google has a full list of the 30 games that will be on exhibit which you can find at the source link. The list of games that have been selected includes titles such as Antihero, Armajet, Armor Blitz, Coffee Pot Terrarium, Hovercraft: Takedown, Parallyzed, Riptide GP: Renegade, Roofbot, Sand Stories, and more. While some of the games are already available on the Play Store for download, some of them are fairly new. Some games are even unreleased, making the festival a platform to receive some recognition for their hard work.

Festival attendees will have the opportunity to play and check out both the available and unreleased indie game titles, allowing them to get a feel for each game and vote for their absolute favorite. With registration open anyone who wishes to attend the event can sign up, and admission is completely free. Aside from being able to try out some of the best new and unreleased indie games available, there will be an opportunity to win prizes at the event, although Google has not stated what these prizes would be for festival goers. Attendees will not be the only ones to have a chance at winning prizes, as Google will be awarding prizes such as NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV units and SHIELD Tablet K1 devices, Google Cloud Credits, Razer Forge TV bundles, and more to the winning developers out of the selected games on exhibit. Winners will be judged by a special panel made up of a collective of individuals that is comprised of people from the Google Play team as well as people from the games industry, including Emily Greer, the CEO of Kongregate, David Edery, the CEO of Spry Fox, Ron Carmel, the co-creator of World of Goo, and Jordan Maron, a gamer and YouTuber known to most as Captain Sparklez, among others. While the event doesn’t take place until the end of next month, Google highly recommends people pre-register to guarantee that they get a spot. Doors for the festival open up at 9:45 AM PST, with the voting beginning at 10 AM, followed by the Awards Ceremony later that afternoon at 4:30 PM.