If you would like to have a physical space to shop for merchandise centered around your favorite YouTube stars and happen to live in London, you’re in luck. Google will be opening up such a store on the ground floor of their base of operations in the King’s Cross district. Called the “YouTube Creator Store”, the place will essentially be a fan store for YouTube stars, along with some extra features meant to make the space valuable to fans and creators alike, and to make it a community shop of sorts, where people can stop and hang out for a while.
The biggest feature of the store will be YouTube star merchandise. Some of the biggest names in YouTube will work hand in hand with merchandise creators to create a wide range of items like T-shirts, mugs, photo frames and other memorabilia. The space will also serve as a place for YouTube stars to sell and sign books they’ve written, as well as any products that they’ve made and would like to sell there. All of the profits from the store will go to the creators, enabling them to create more content without having to worry quite as much about monetization, for example by upping their ad tolerance in their videos or begging viewers to donate on Patreon.
As well as being a place for YouTubers to have their products and merchandise sold, the Creator Store will feature a Starbucks-style barista cafe, where stars and fans alike, or even just passersby, can hang out and have a cup of joe, as well as a community center of sorts. A natural haven for creativity, this cafe will attract more than just the average writer; the store will also feature a few high-end studios, featuring professional equipment, for YouTubers to stop by and use as they please. This will allow some of the more popular YouTubers out there to use high-end gear that they would probably either not have access to otherwise, or wouldn’t have room for in their current recording spaces. The shop will be opening up within the next four weeks or so.