How To: Take Advantage Of The Galaxy Note 7's HDR Support

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Samsung’s latest and greatest flagship device, will be available in just a couple of days, and it is already looking like it will be quite a hit. There are quite a few new features and upgrades that make this device stand out from the crowd, such as improved S Pen functionality, an iris scanner, and the ability to play HDR video.

HDR, in case you’re unfamiliar with, stands for High Dynamic Range. What this means is that the viewer will see a greater range of the darkest and brightest colors, providing a more true-to-life image. This is a feature that has been available on cameras for some time, but the Galaxy Note 7 will be a mobile device which incorporates it into video playback. Unfortunately, as is often the case with new video technology, there may be a shortage of content at this point due to the fact that the majority of videos are not yet capable of being viewed in a HDR format. Fortunately, there are some places which offer existing HDR video content and these places are likely to be your best sources if you do want to try this feature out on your Galaxy Note 7 right away. Two of the most popular video streaming services, Netflix and Amazon Video, have HDR shows and movies available. For Netflix, you’ll need to have a 4-screen subscription in order to use this feature though. If you’ve already been taking advantage of 4K content on Netflix, that means you already have a 4-screen subscription, so you’re good to go, but if not, an upgrade will be required. Their HD content library includes mostly original Netflix titles, such as Marvel’s Daredevil and The Ridiculous Six. With Amazon, a standard Amazon Prime subscription will work, and the Amazon Instant Video app will be available through Samsung’s pre-installed Galaxy Essentials app. The titles Amazon is offering in HDR include After Earth, Pineapple Express, and Men in Black III. YouTube also features HDR video compatibility, though they don’t have any shows or movies available just yet, but content will likely be added as this technology becomes more popular.

If you just want to test out the capabilities of HDR, you can also find some places including YouTube and other specialty websites with content such as movie trailers and demo videos, but these, of course, will only give you an idea of what HDR video looks like, and won’t hold much entertainment value.