Leak: Chase Android Pay Support To Begin September 7

Mobile payments do seem to be everywhere these days. In fact, when it comes to the big manufacturers, it is starting to seem that in addition to being able to chose from a wealth of smartphone brands, you can also choose between a wealth of smartphone-branded ‘Pays’ with an Android Pay now available, an Apple Pay available, Samsung Pay available and LG Pay on the way. And this is even before we start to delve into the retailer and personal banking payment solutions like Walmart Pay and of course, Chase Pay.

The latter of which, Chase Pay, has been a very interesting and developing story of late. This is due to what seems to be Chase completely and intentionally opting to avoid allowing Android smartphone users the option to use Android Pay. In short and up until now, it has been a matter of Chance Pay or nothing if you bank with Chase. However, signs had been coming through over the past few months suggesting this ‘all or nothing’ approach was about to change with the latest sign only coming through as recently as this month, when Chase seemed to be making it clear that Chase would embrace support for Android Pay sometime this year.

Well, it now as looks as though September 7 is the exact date when the embracing will begin. At least according to a leaked Chase document that has found its way over to Android Police. The document in question does very clearly state that come September 7 Chase customers will be able to enroll their cards with Android Pay. This also seems to be across the board with Chase noting that their Visa-branded consumer credit cards, Chase Liquid cards and consumer and business debit cards will all be eligible for enrollment. Which is likely to be very good news for Chase customers who have been waiting for Chase to turn on support. What will be interesting though is what this means in the long-term for Chase Pay. The document does not really comment on Chase Pay at all and therefore it does still remain unclear whether Chase Pay will continue alongside the support for Android Pay, or whether the latter will replace the former in the long term.