Riptide GP: Renegade Lands On The NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV

If you own the NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV, then you are probably used to a number of games becoming available for only your device. In fact, the SHIELD Android TV is quickly becoming a gateway to Android with a number of titles becoming available for the first time on Android via the SHIELD. This seems to be the case with the latest arrival, Riptide GP: Renegade.

If you are fan of the Riptide GP style of gameplay then you are unlikely to be disappointed by this latest arrival. Renegade follows in the tradition of Riptide games and offers gamers a wet and wild racing experience. The game itself is optimized for the SHIELD and as such, full controller support is included. Generally speaking, the game includes quite a hefty number of levels with additional levels opening up as you progress through the career mode, so there is plenty of gameplay on offer with this one. Not to mention, there is a variety of different modes you can make use of including quick races, career mode, multi-player and even online playing where you can engage in races with other players from around the world. Overall, the game is a very fluid experience on the NVIDIA SHIELD and if you are a fan of the Riptide series, then this will be one that is worth checking out.

The game is available now via the Google Play Store and does cost $9.99 to download, although there are no further in-app purchases needed. Which does make it cheaper than the Stream version which is currently available to buy for $14.99. While this is a game that is currently only available for the NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV, it is expected to become available for mobile devices in due course. With the end of August likely to be the time when its support is extended. In the meantime though, if you do own the NVIDIA SHIELD and would like to get to grips with the latest Riptide GP installment, then you can download the game by heading through the link below. Alternatively, you can check out the gallery of images below for an idea of how the game looks and plays.