These Pokemon GO Creatures Are Really Difficult To Catch

Pokemon GO has swept the world off its feet with its soaring popularity. Niantic successfully integrated augmented reality gameplay and a popular franchise to create a game which is loved all over the world. The game went on to break all sorts of records, skyrocketing to over a million downloads in just a month, putting Pokemon GO way ahead of the competition to other games. The American software developer country has been continuously working to release this game in different parts of the world, and has already pushed out a number of updates to fix bugs. To make things more challenging, the developer did make significant differences between Pokemon, of course, rare Pokemon are really difficult to catch.

Although the game seems relatively easy and straightforward at first, the difficulty increases as trainers start encountering Pokemon that are hard to find, the rare ones. A lot of factors come into play to determine whether the player can catch the Pokemon. According to the code, the rarity of the Pokemon is determined by the base capture rate, the flee rate and the combat point or CP level of a particular Pokemon. As the name suggests, the lower the base capture rate, rarer are the chances of being able to capture the mythical creature. The base capture rate also depends on the level of the trainer, and it increases with each level up. To give you an idea, chances of catching a Pokemon with a base capture rate of 4% at level 30 is about 3%. But to be able to catch the rarest of the rare Pokemon, the player needs a sufficient stock of berries and Great Balls.

A Pokemon with a small base capture rate of 8% according to the game code are Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Wartortle, Raichu, Clefable, Ninetails, Arcanine, Gyarados, Dragonair, and Gengar. The second lowest base capture rate of 4% is reserved for Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, and Dragonite. The only Pokemon with a flee rate of 99% however, is Abra. One interesting point to note is that legendary Pokemon do not have a capture rate. It might indicate plans for a special event organized by Niantic to catch the legendary Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo. In comparison, the easiest Pokemon to capture in the game is Magikarp, with a reported base capture rate of 56%.