You'll Be Able To Search Through Conversations In 'Allo'

This year’s Google I/O was packed with interesting and exciting tech announcements. Google talked about machine learning, Android, Android Wear and various other both software and hardware products. During the keynote, the Mountain View giant had also introduced several new Android applications you have probably heard of by now, the two applications in question are called ‘Duo’ and ‘Allo’, read on.

Google’s ‘Duo’ app is basically a video calling application, and the company had officially launched it quite recently actually. This app is now available in the Google Play Store for free, and basically anyone can download it and fire up video calls with their contacts. This app works more like WhatsApp than Hangouts considering it looks for contacts based on your phone number, not your e-mail address, nickname or anything of the sort. Google’s ‘Allo’ app, on the other hand, is still not available in the Google Play Store, but it will be there soon. This is essentially a messaging alternative to Duo, and it will come with Google Assistant integration, which is yet something else Google announced during Google I/O. Various leaks have been surfacing lately talking about Google ‘Allo’, the app’s voice messaging interface leaked two days ago, and now we have yet another detail to share with you. According to the images and info provided by the source, Google’s Allo app will allow your to search all your conversations. Now, this is a great feature, and not many chatting apps have it. If you take a look at the provided images, you’ll clearly see that this feature will be a part of the experience. All you’ll have to do it tap the search icon which will be located in the upper right corner of the app’s main screen, and from there you should be able to search through Allo, conversations included, of course. According to the source, the search function will be quite useful as it is extremely comprehensive, though we’ll have to wait until the app gets released in order to see how capable the search truly is. Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that you’ll be able to search for Google Assistant’s answers and suggestions through Allo’s search feature as well.

All in all, Allo seems like an evolution of Hangouts, minus video calling, so Google basically split Hangouts in two and improved both ends of it. As we reported recently, Hangouts is not going anywhere though, it will stay here for enterprise use, so don’t worry about that. Google’s Allo app should land pretty soon, so stay tuned.