FOX Sports has just launched their VR app allowing users to watch live sporting events in virtual reality, building on FOX Sports’ push into VR, following their other ambitions such as partnering with NextVR to bring live Boxing to VR. While it’s just as easy to watch live sporting events directly on your own TV right in the home, FOX Sports VR lets you watch these events from a personal VIP stadium suite as if you were actually at the game. For those that may not ever have the opportunity to view a live game in this particular fashion, it might just be a pretty cool experience that’s worth checking out. The app even lets you move around the suite where you can interact with different things.
The suite, which appears to be massive based on the screenshots, allows you to watch the game happening on the field, but you can also walk around the suite and check out different elements. Things like watching clips and highlights from games can be viewed in a video lounge that the suite contains, and although not currently available, FOX Sports VR will eventually contain a theater where users can watch other live sports content when VR content is not available to watch. One of the coolest parts for sports fans, though, might be the capability to watch things from one of the cameras that are on the field.
FOX Sports VR can be enjoyed on your device screen or with the use of a Google Cardboard VR viewer, giving you a bit of an option on how immersed in the sporting events you would like to be. The app is also free to download and install your device, but it does require users to log in with their cable provider information to access the content. In addition to this, it appears that device compatibility is somewhat limited in capacity as there are a mix of smartphones and tablets available that can install it, while some devices don’t appear compatible, such as the Xperia Z3. There’s no mention on compatibility with specific handsets or tablets, so it’s possible that wider device support will show up at some point. If you’re interested in checking the app out, you can grab FOX Sports VR from the button below and see if it supports your device.