Moto Take on Apple and Samsung in "Skip the Sevens" Campaign

In the smartphone game, there are two names that loom larger than anyone else, and they would of course be Apple and Samsung. For years now, the choice for a high-end smartphone that’s current and ships with the latest tech has often come down to a choice between either Apple or Samsung. For a lot of consumers, it’s either an iPhone or a Galaxy S device, but over the past couple of years even more viable alternatives exists for a lot less money. Motorola has been one of them, but have – since their return to the market – focused on doing things differently than the rest of the market. While Apple and Samsung were content to keep on chasing better features, Motorola used a higher level of customization to set themselves aside from the rest, and with the new Moto Z line of devices, they’ve taken customization behind just fit and finish and now offer users a way to change what their phone actually does. It’s this new line of devices that Motorola is using to take on Apple and Samsung in their new “Skip the Sevens” campaign.

As part of the campaign, Motorola is urging people to skip the latest cycle of Apple and Samsung devices and to think about what else it is that they need and want from a smartphone. In the below YouTube video, released by Motorola, a group of “Apple loyalists” which the accompanying blog post from Moto clearly states were not actor, gather in a room and are treated to an iPhone prototype. One that had attachments that offered a bigger battery, a better speaker and a projector all with just a simple snap on to the back of the device. We all know where this is going, and it quickly transpires that this is not an iPhone prototype but a very real Moto Z, along with three of their Moto Mods that the company offers customers looking to extend their phones’ functionality. Unsurprisingly, the footage chosen by Motorola shows a room full of people pretty impressed with what Motorola had been working on, and lamented the fact that these features weren’t available for iPhone users.

This is a new ad campaign from Lenovo and Motorola, and one that the firms are pushing heavily. There’s the below video, as well as a raft of full-page ads that will be in magazines and newspapers across the US and elsewhere. For Motorola, this is a way to challenge people’s expectations of a smartphone, and of course, persuade people to pick a new Moto Z instead of one of “the Sevens”. Whether or not it works, is something only time will tell, but you have to credit to Motorola for trying something big like this.
