Report: Google To Host Daydream VR Pop-Up Events Throughout NYC

Google’s ‘Pixel event’ is just a few days away and while it is largely expected that the Pixel and the Pixel XL smartphones will be the stars of the show, they will not be the only devices, services, or otherwise, that is on show. In fact, if the current understanding is correct, as well as the two new smartphones, Google will be showcasing a wide range of new products, including their debut headset for Daydream.

Over the last few weeks the intention behind Daydream seems to have ramped up substantially with a number of announcements coming through, like the making available of the Daydream SDK and so on. Indications which collective point towards Daydream becoming consumer-ready. Which does fall nicely with the company expected to show off its reference Daydream headset on October 4. However, a new report out of Digital Trends today suggests that Daydream is not only consumer-ready but is about to make its way to consumers in a much more hands-on manner.

The report details that Google is planning on a full-scale Daydream customer-awareness approach throughout New York. The details on this are a little limited, but do make it clear that between October and December Google will be launching a number of pop-up events throughout New York and with the sole purpose of expanding awareness of the Daydream platform and/or products. Needless to say, with pop-up events planned, the hardware aspects must be present and that does mean that these events will likely be filled with Daydream-related hardware. Which is interesting in itself, as the number of Daydream-compatible smartphones is still quite limited. So whether these pop-up events will be showing off the new Pixel phones at the same time or whether there will be other Daydream-compatible smartphones aiding the events, remains to be seen. Although chances are, that like everything else Google-related, more details will become know next week when the October 4 event gets underway. Either way, if you are in New York or plan to be during October to December, then it seems you might be able to get hands-on with Daydream, thanks to these reported pop-up events that will be taking place.