September Security Patch Hits T-Mobile's Galaxy Note 5

When the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 landed, it did so without much fanfare. It was essentially a larger Galaxy S6 with Galaxy Note features. This, of course, was more than enough for the Galaxy Note lover crowd. Now, with the Galaxy Note 7 garnering rave reviews while exploding in alarming numbers and being recalled because of it, some may be giving the Galaxy Note 5 a second look. For those on Magenta, current and prospective owners alike, some good news dropped today; the Galaxy Note 5 is now secure against all the latest exploits. An update that reportedly started rolling out on Thursday brings the newest security patch to the Galaxy Note 5, being the September patch.

The update will bring your Galaxy Note 5’s system software version to N920TUVS4DPH2 after a relatively small download, weighing in at only 76.10 MB. The security update seems to be the only feature of the update, and is the only thing mentioned in the changelog, but further information, if there is any, won’t be available until T-Mobile’s official support page has information about the update. For now, users who aren’t interested in rooting their phone and installing a custom ROM, Xposed framework or other low-level tweaks should probably go ahead and take the update to ensure that their device is as secure as possible.

The September update only came out for Nexus devices on Tuesday, so it’s actually quite impressive to see a manufacturer getting an update out to not only a skinned device, but a carrier edition, in such a timely fashion. A security patch is a relatively minor update and manufacturers are normally given these patches in advance to facilitate a quick rollout for their devices, but a device like the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 getting any kind of update only two days after Nexus devices is nothing to sneeze at in any situation. Since T-Mobile’s support page has yet to show the update, there is no information on how the rollout will work or when users can expect to see the patch, but those who would like to check for it manually can do so by going into their settings, then “About device”, and clicking on “Software update” from there. As with any update, if you’re not seeing it at first, a reboot or switching in and out of airplane mode may do the trick.