Tinder Now Lets You Link Spotify To Broadcast Your Anthem

Tinder has announced a new feature for their dating app and service, and in partnership with Spotify they will be allowing users to link their Spotify accounts and essentially broadcast their musical tastes to potential matches. After linking your Spotify account, Tinder will allow users to choose which of their favorite artists they want to display on their profiles for potential matches to see, and once done the new feature will also enable users to see matches with could have similar tastes in music.

Beyond choosing which artists you want displayed as top selections, once your Spotify account is linked to Tinder and you have your favorite artists mapped out, you’ll also be able to select one song to display as your Anthem (although users can search Spotify within Tinder before their accounts are linked) so that matches will see which song you simply can’t get enough of. The new Spotify feature also introduces a way for any user to interact with the music listed on other user’s profiles, as they can cycle through what’s listed and stream previews of those songs.

Tinder plans to roll this new Spotify feature out in 59 markets beginning today, and all are markets where Spotify is currently available, which includes countries like the U.S., UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Germany, France and many more. Those who are avid Tinder users and are looking to get a head start on the new Spotify feature can do so by opening up the dating app and searching Spotify from within the app to find an Anthem that they love, then link their Spotify accounts afterwards if they prefer. The new partnership between Spotify and Tinder is just one of the latest features which Tinder has introduced in an effort to make the dating service more robust, following other recently introduced features like Tinder Social, which was added to the app back at the end of July. Tinder Social, which is more aimed at groups than individuals, allows users to set up a group of them and two friends with the group creator being able to swipe through other groups of friends to potentially match for a meetup.
