Samsung’s Galaxy Note lineup has always had a focus on productivity, meaning that a lot of these phones end up in the hands of business users who take advantage of their capabilities to get some work done on the go. Naturally, many movers and shakers in the business world tend to be frequent fliers, jetting this way and that to set up offices, meet clients, and negotiate deals in person. That means that a lot of Galaxy Note units end up on planes each year. This year’s flagship Galaxy Note series entry, the seventh in the family, may end up being denied entry onto flights because of the same exploding issue that has caused Samsung to issue a recall for the devices.
According to the FAA, Samsung actually went about the recall process wrong, at least in the US. The normal method is to get on board with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, who will help to track the recall and ensure that recalled goods don’t remain on the streets. By skipping this step, Samsung has opened themselves up to the possibility of rogue Note 7 units from the recalled batch roaming about. Since they can’t be sure upon seeing a Galaxy Note 7, if it is from the recalled batch or not, the FAA is considering an outright ban on the phone on flights. This would be done using a law concerning batteries in recalled products being banned on flights for safety reasons.
If this ban goes through, it would mean that anybody who rocks a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 as their daily carry would be unable to fly with it, and would have to either use a loaner device at their destination, find another method of transport, or find another way to get their phone there. The FAA did not state whether they would provide exceptions for owners who showed proof of having gone through the recall process and gotten their hands on refurbished units. With the initial rollout already marred by the recall, this misstep that would affect some of the Note series’ best customers paints a grim picture of the future of the Galaxy Note 7, despite stellar initial sales.