You Can Now Get Your Hands On Series 06 Android Minis

The Android Mini collectibles have been around for years now, and the latest batch in the collection, Series 06, is now available to get your excited little hands on. You can pick these up over at the Dead Zebra shop but as always they will likely end up selling out fast, so you’ll want to get your hands on them as soon as humanly possible if you’re a collector. The good news is that you can actually order these ones on the internet, unlike the limited run of natural wood Android Minis that you could only buy at San Diego Comic Con. Should they run out, however, they also typically sell each series in more than one batch so there is a chance to grab them at a later point before they’re completely gone. Alternatively, there is also a community for collectors on Google+ where it’s possible to facilitate a trade with others if you end up with duplicates, and in a worst case scenario you can always try finding them on eBay if you miss out.

Series 06 features a group of 16 different Android mini figures, and Dead Zebra has worked with a total of nine different artists for this series including a couple designed by Google themselves, as well as Andrew Bell and one by Dyzplastic. The one’s designed by Google are Purple and Greaser, if you were curious to know, of course you could also just browse through the gallery of them below too. If you’re considering picking these up and this will be the first series where you start collecting, it’s important to know that you can’t pick and choose which ones you want.

Having said that, all the Android Minis are blind box, which means you’ll get what you get at random. You’ll have the best chance at getting the entire series if you buy up a complete case or two, which will set you back $144 in total for a case which contains 16 of them. Chances are that you may get some duplicates with just 16, as there are 16 different designs, but you can also buy these up in individual boxes at $9.50 a pop, so you can either go for just a few or try to gather them all up. In addition to the new Series 06 collectibles, there are a collection of Android Foundry pins to grab as well, which include designs of some of the past Series mini figures. The set, which comes with 10 pins, will cost $85, or you can buy each one individually (you can pick these ones out specifically) for just $10.