Google Gets Personal With New Two New Pixel Phone Ads

Google has already started marketing the Pixel phones through standard ads in newspapers and London-based billboards, and there were a couple of video ads for the phones posted the day of the announcement last week. Now Google has two more ads fired up and ready to go on their YouTube channel and they get down to business and get personal. While the Pixel phones are “made by Google” in the sense that they basically designed the phones from top to bottom and from inside out, the phones are also being touted as a phone by “us,” the users, and these new ads seem to really project that particular stance that Google wants to take.

While the most recent video in their lineup is titled “together by you, phone by Google,” the second video that was posted just prior to it is titled “crush by you, phone by you,” and evokes a personalized sense of ownership. Our smartphones tend to be the one thing that most of us carry around every single day, and use for just about anything from work-related productivity to pictures of friends, family, and loved ones to conversations with our closest companions. Just watching these videos, no matter how short they are, it does a really good job of conveying the message that the Pixel and Pixel XL are designed to help you make the most of life, and assign a personal touch to things you do.

While there is nothing especially “standout” about either of these two ads, they do set out to make it apparent that the Pixel and Pixel XL are YOUR phones and that you can use them how YOU want to. They also display that Google really is doing everything they can to market these phones like there is no tomorrow, as there are three different video advertisements for them on YouTube and this is in addition to the advertisements that are strewn throughout the signs, billboards and other ad-friendly locations that have been putting the Pixel phones front and center. At their most basic, these new ads simply highlight the fact that Google is saying “hey… we have new phones available..check them out.” If you haven’t seen the ads yet, you can view them both below.
