Rick Osterloh: Pixel Phone Is "Best Phone" For Google Users

By now, you are probably more than acutely aware that yesterday Google unveiled two new smartphones in the form of the Google Pixel and the Pixel XL. Generally speaking, the devices are largely the same smartphone, although the XL version does come with some notable improvements to the battery capacity and the display. The idea seemingly being that whichever Pixel you opt for, you will get a similar, if not identical, user experience.

However, the launch of the Pixels have stirred considerable debate. One of the debating points is the fact that the Nexus line has essentially been discontinued with the all-new Pixels taking their place as Google’s proof-of-concept devices. The other main debating price is that the Pixels come with what many consider to be an unnaturally high price. In fact, while some have considered the Pixels to be quite iPhone-like in design, the prices being touted are certainly thought to be very much iPhone-like.

An aspect which does not seem to be lost on Google’s chief of hardware, Rick Osterloh. While the new Pixel phones are said to be comparable to the iPhone, it seems Osterloh wants them to be compared. According to comments received from Osterloh to Recode, Osterloh notes “they can, should and will” be comparable to the iPhone. In fact, Osterloh goes even further with the point by noting that like how an iPhone is right for Apple customers, the Pixel phone is right for Google customers. The exact phrasing used by Osterloh was “if someone is a Google user this is the best phone for them without a doubt”.

While some might find the comments as another area which can be debated, there is some logic to what Osterloh is saying. After all, the big selling point with the new Pixels is that they are very entwined with Google’s AI answer, the Google Assistant. Therefore, if you are the user of some or many of Google’s products, services and apps, the Google Assistant will likely prove to be a very useful feature. By association, the Pixel phones will also prove to be useful smartphones. That is, useful beyond the common understanding of what a smartphone is used for. Providing those same Google users can get past the high asking price to begin with.