Ambi-Turner Gives A Boost To Pixel Ambient Display Feature

One of the better features of Android 7.1 Nougat and the Pixel as well as the Pixel XL is the ambient display feature, which allows the screen to wake up for a brief moment anytime a new notification comes through. This in itself can help immensely for saving on battery life, and that’s a big reason for the feature existing in the first place. For all its usefulness though, it could still be better, and that’s what the application called Ambi-Turner aims to do for users of the Pixel and Pixel XL, to enhance their ambient display functionality with a few tweaks and adjustments that aren’t available right out of the box and as is.

While Ambi-Turner is not an app that you’re going to be opening up every single day, it is an application that you would be interacting with every single day. As an app that’s meant to add a decent boost to the ambient display function, it allows for users to incorporate other elements to be shown on the screen when it wakes up, such as the battery life with a bar and a percentage in the notification list. These two things are premium features, so if you want them you’ll need to pay the one time upgrade fee of $0.99 to unlock the pro version of the app. If you’re fine without them you can simply download and install the application for free.

Premium does add other benefits, too, like the ability to wave your hand over the display to have it wake up in ambient display mode. This is extremely useful if you happen to miss the wake upon a notification coming in, and allows you to re-wake the display in ambient mode without having to fully turn the screen on using the power button. You can set the amount of waves it takes for this function to kick in, and there is an option to tilt the device to wake it up as well as have it wake up when you pull the device out of your pocket. There’s actually quite a few things you can configure, although with the free version of the app you are limited to just the wake from pocket and table feature, as well as the actual ability to enable Ambi-Turner. If you have a use for this app, you can pick it from the Play Store button below for free.