Bing Search On Android Gains New AR Feature, 360 Search

If you own an Android device, then the chances are pretty good that Google Search is your default method of searching for things. Be them information on something, places to eat nearby or just where you can fill up on gas while en route. However, Google Search is not the only option that is available to Android device owners and some of the others options are coming out with some interesting selling points to try and differentiate themselves from Google Search. Bing Search from Microsoft being a prime example.

In the latest update to come to the Bing Search Android app, Microsoft has introduced a fairly unique and interesting feature dubbed ‘360 Search’. This is an augmented reality (AR) type of feature which looks to combine your camera with the primary feature of the app – in this case, search. As a result, once the app is opened and the 360 mode is initiated, a user can simply point the camera in a direction and the search results of nearby places are shown up, imposed over the camera view. You can then further filter the results by selecting from some of the preset categories. So for instance, when in 360 mode, simply hitting the gas icon at the bottom of the screen will just show you places to find gas nearby. The same for lunch, coffee, grocery, malls, cinemas, parks and so on. The feature seems to work quite well and there is a compass at the top of the screen which can further help you to identify in what direction the places are, if you are too far away. Likewise, while in the camera view, you can click on any of the listed places to find out more information about those places including all the generic aspects, like phone number, website and so on.

Besides the new 360 Search, the app also includes some small and minor updates, such as a dedicated music page, more details on upcoming events and faster access to lottery results. The app with the updated features is now listed on the Google Play Store, so if you have yet to download the app and would like to give these new features a try, you can download the latest version by heading through the link below.