Data: Galaxy Note 7 Still Used More Than The LG V20 & Others

The recalled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is still in use more than the LG V20, the OnePlus 3T and the HTC Bolt. This is the latest findings from mobile research firm, Apteligent. In fact, the data from Apteligent’s “2016 Mobile Year in Review” report suggests that the Galaxy Note 7 usage is not only higher than these three devices, but is higher than the LG V20, the OnePlus 3T and the HTC Bolt, combined.

The data is drawn from global Android usage levels and as can be seen from the graph below, in spite of being in the latter stages of an unprecedented recall, the Galaxy Note 7 still remains in use to a significant level when compared. Of course, there are some variable here. Firstly, the graph does clearly highlight how far ahead the Note 7 was to begin with and prior to the recall. In addition, the graph does show that the Galaxy Note 7 has been in a steady state of slow decline since the recall. Although, the graph also shows that since the closing days of November, that decline has leveled off somewhat, with what can only be assumed to be those users who are intentionally clinging on to the Galaxy Note 7. While that level is significantly lower than the overall number of recalled devices, the level is one which seems to certainly be comparable to the likes of the Moto Z, the HTC Bolt, the LG V20 and the OnePlus 3T.

This is partly a numbers game though, as the HTC Bolt, the LG V20 and the OnePlus 3T are not exactly widely purchased (and/or available) smartphones. The OnePlus 3T is a new release on the market and is still being shipped to those first buyers, while the HTC Bolt is only available to Sprint customers. So neither device would be expected to see big levels of usage at the moment. What is of interest though is how low the level of usage is for the LG V20 – with the current (as of Dec.11) level noted for the Galaxy Note 7 seemingly more than twice that of the LG V20. Another interesting observation is that while the Pixel and the Pixel XL are above the Galaxy Note 7, the difference is not as big as some might expect it to be. Especially when taking into account the level noted for the Sony Xperia XZ (which seems to be doing well) and certainly not compared to the level noted for the Galaxy Note 7 back in September.