Google will push Android 7.1.1 to the Nexus 6 next month for those with the device who have been waiting patiently for the software. While the update has already been sent out to the likes of Google’s other devices, like the Pixel and Pixel XL, the Nexus 6P, and Nexus 5X, the Nexus 6 has yet to receive the update, but it seems as if the new software will be just around the corner as it’s now reportedly going to be sent out in early January, although there has so far been no mention of an exact date, just that it could be expected near the beginning of the month.
While the update was initially planned for an earlier release, it seems, Google notes that they found a bug in the Android 7.1.1 Nougat software at the last minute that was affecting the Nexus 6, which caused them to make the decision to hold off on pushing the update out to devices until they could get the problem resolved. According to Google, the bug has now been dealt with and the software update can proceed as planned. Early January could very well mean within the first week of the month, although it could really be anytime between the first of the month and halfway through.
With Android 7.1.1 coming, the Nexus 6 will finally get access to some new features that are already available to Pixel and Pixel XL owners such as App Shortcuts, GIF access and image insertion from the keyboard, Night Light to block out some of the blue light that emits from the screen, the round app icons, and a handful of other changes like bug fixes and stability improvements. None of this was included in Android 7.0 Nougat which was pushed out to the Nexus 6 back in the beginning of October, so things like App Shortcuts and the Night Light feature are sure to be welcomed additions to the device. The software isn’t likely to be a very large update, although you’ll still probably want to download it over Wi-Fi, and chances are that when Google pushes the software it may not hit the devices on all carriers at the same time, so users will want to watch for it, and check for it manually if they notice it hitting for other users but haven’t received it themselves.