PlayStation 4 YouTube Update Brings PSVR Compatibility

The YouTube app on game consoles has a long and storied history of clunky user interfaces and missing features, but the current generation, being the app featured on the PlayStation 4 and XBOX One, is a refreshing change of pace, and a far shot better than the app that was featured on the PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360. Even so, there are still a few features that could be patched in. On the PlayStation 4 side of things, PlayStation VR compatibility has been sorely lacking up until now. Even a simple combination of a modern smartphone and a Cardboard headset, users can experience YouTube content in all of its VR glory. With a new update that has begun going out to PlayStation 4 owners, however, the YouTube app is now fully compatible with PlayStation VR.

According to Reddit users who have gotten the update, PlayStation VR’s all-too-familiar blurriness is indeed on board. Some are also saying that 3D content does not seem to display properly, though regular VR content, like viewing in theater mode, seems to be fine. Most users are reporting that 360 degree content is working beautifully, thanks to the PlayStation VR’s array of powerful sensors. The update brings all of the normal things one would expect from a major app adding in support for a VR device, though many users are saying that there are rough spots.

The newest update to the PlayStation 4 version of YouTube will bring the version number up to 1.9. Folks on version 1.8 can expect their update fairly soon, though there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to the pace and region of the rollout, thus far; sporadic crops of users are reporting having received it, whereas others are going through all the right steps to check for updates manually, and it’s simply not there yet. Sony and YouTube have not yet issued a press release on the matter, but it’s probably safe to assume that the update will be rolling out to all PlayStation 4 owners in the coming weeks. As far as users can tell, the update doesn’t bring anything new to the table aside from PSVR support.