Rogers Makes Roam Like Home Available On Most Plans

Canada is rather unique in its global position right next to the United States. First off the country itself is expansive with rough terrain and Provinces that section up their wireless mobile communications. Secondly, many of the Canadians have homes in the US or family that they visit quite regularly, not to mention business travel to the US. Customers were sometimes being hit with thousands of dollars in roaming fees.

To make this right, Rogers, in their Rogers 3.0 plan introduced a couple of years ago vowed to improve their customers’ experience and in 2014 launched Roam Like Home in the US. It cost a flat $5 a day for the first ten days of the month for a total of $50. After that, the next 21 days were ‘free’ and then a new cycle started with your account being charged $5 a day for the next ten days. If you go over your data usage, you will be charged no more than you would be if you were still in Canada. Internationally, the Roam Like Home feature will cost $10 per day for the first ten days, or $100 maximum per month, still an excellent deal.

Over the years Rogers has expanded their Roam Like Home to over 100 countries – allowing their customers to use their minutes, text, and data buckets as if they were in Canada even though they are traveling (roaming) in other countries. In the past, one stipulation was that you had to be on a Share Everything plan, but all of that has changed. Rogers announced that many customers in other plans want to experience the Roam Like Home package on their plan as well. Leroy Williams, Vice-President Wireless Marketing, Rogers Communications said, “Now we’re giving more customers the same freedom to roam, whether it’s keeping the kids entertained on the drive down to Florida or using Google Maps to find your way through London. This is another way we are working to improve the customer experience.” This action will add almost 800,000 additional postpaid customers to the program.

Our smartphones have become such a part of our lives, and customers want to take their phone with them whenever they travel. The Roam Like Home service allows Canadian customers to do just that. A survey shows that almost three million Canadians plan on traveling this winter and 90-percent want to take their smartphone with them. They are the way we communicate with our family, friends, and business associates. Rogers’ new plan allows more customers to stay in touch.