Telegram Updated With Pinned Chats, IFTTT Integration

For a lot of people, the use of SMS messaging has gone the way of the dodo, and there are millions upon millions of people all over the world that rely on instant messaging services like iMessage, Hangouts, Telegram and WhatsApp. When focusing in on Telegram, the service was launched a long time ago, but failed to achieve mass adoption until WhatsApp had a number of outages that led people to pick up Telegram as an alternative. What a lot of people found when they moved to Telegram was a highly-secure instant messenger with a focus on encryption and other privacy measures. Now, however, the app has been updated with a slew of new features, with one of the headlining new additions being integration with the IFTTT service that so many seem popular of.

The update brings Telegram to version 3.15 on Android, and the IFTTT integration involves recipes that make it easy to stay inside of the Telegram app itself, all the while doing something else. Recipes include the ability to sync all your photos from Telegram across devices, have a photo you’re tagged in on Facebook instantly added to a chat and so on. There are a number of different integrations that Telegram already has on offer, and the blog post from the developers, sourced below, goes over the majority of them. IFTTT integration isn’t the only thing they’re introducing with this version, however, as they’re also introducing pinned chats. These will allow users to keep certain chats in the same position, meaning that they won’t get buried by newer messages in other chats above or below them.

As part of their continued promise to “Make Android Great Again”, Telegram is introducing a much-improved photo editor into the Telegram app on Android, which will improve the way that photos look when shared with others on Telegram, and also goes to show just how good an Android app can be when the developers take the time and put the effort in. Telegram is available for free in the Play Store for those that have yet to give it a try, and those that are patiently waiting for the update can go ahead and check the Play Store on their device. It might take some time for it to reach everyone, however.