Video: 1,000-Foot Drop Test – Google Pixel Vs iPhone 7

Drops tests have managed to become quite popular in the smartphone world over the last couple of years, as they give us some extra info smartphones that we can’t exactly get from their spec sheets. Drop tests reveal how durable a device is, and basic drop tests usually reveal most info, as various sources try to recreate real life drops in order to see how easily a phone breaks. That being said, we’ve been seeing lots of rather odd drop tests lately, drop tests that are more fun than informative.

Well, one such drop test just surfaced on YouTube, as someone decided to drop the Google Pixel and the iPhone 7 from 1,000 feet. Now, needless to say, this drop test is not exactly all that informative, as both devices will (spoiler alert) shatter from such a drop, naturally, as we’re not looking at super rugged devices here, quite on the contrary. The video provided by the source is quite fun, though, as someone basically tied both devices to a drone, and after it reached a particular height (1,000 feet), the phones were released and ready to fly. This is fun to watch, presuming you like to watch really expensive smartphones getting destroyed in an interesting way, of course. Now, needless to say, both devices were quite damaged after this drop, and both have stopped working. Displays were shattered on both the Google Pixel and the iPhone 7, but Google Pixel’s back did much better than the back of the iPhone 7 in this test, as it did not get that damaged, it actually did fairly well considering this is a 1,000-foot drop we’re talking about here.

So, if we look at the facts, Google Pixel did better than the iPhone 7 in this test, even though both phones were destroyed. This actually says something about Google Pixel’s build, we knew that HTC makes quality hardware, but the back on the Google Pixel did much better than you’d expect in this scenario. In any case, if you’d like to check out this drop test, we’ve embedded a YouTube video for you down below, so feel free to fire it up.