YouTube’s Top 10 ‘Most Watched & Engaging Ads’ Of 2016

It is that time of the year when we all start to take a look back at the year that is about to come to a close, Google included. Back at the start of December, Google released its list of ‘Best of’ for Google Play which included Google Play’s picks for best apps, best games, best reads and so on. This week also saw YouTube release some of its best of moments for 2016. As well as releasing its annual YouTube Rewind review of the last year, YouTube has also now detailed the video adverts that we have tuned into, more than any other. This is YouTube’s year-end list of top 10 “most watched and engaging ads” of 2016.

With the backing of the Super Bowl behind them, it is probably not that surprising to learn that a number of the the top 10 ads were ones related to or were showcased during this year’s Super Bowl. In fact, the number one spot was taken by a Super Bowl 50 TV commercial – ‘Arnold’s Fight’ which was the official Mobile Strike game advert for Super Bowl 50. Likewise, number 6 on the list was a Mountain Dew Super Bowl advert, although most people will probably remember this one better for its hashtag #puppymonkeybaby. Adding to the Super Bowl strength of advertising, numbers 8, 9 and 10 were also all Super Bowl adverts. With Hyundai taking the eight spot for their ‘The Chase’ Super Bowl commercial, the ninth spot going to Pokemon for their #Pokemon20 Super Bowl commercial and rounding out the list in number ten was Skittles and Steven Tyler – with their ‘The Portrait’ Super Bowl 50 commercial. Even without the Super Bowl affiliation, it does seem that sports in general was one of the driving forces for the most watched adverts on YouTube this year. As the third most watched advert was for Nike with their ‘The Switch’ advert which featured a number of international soccer players including, Cristiano Ronaldo. While number 7 went to Always for their #LikeAGirl advert which focuses on girls and sport.

In fact, of the ten, only three adverts were not in some way related to sports. These include the second most viewed advert on YouTube which was from Knorr for their #LoveAtFirstTaste video and the fifth most viewed advert, which was ‘Theme Song’ – an advert for Clash Royale. Although, from the Android perspective, the fourth most viewed advert on YouTube was the ‘Official Introduction’ video for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Those interested, can check out all of the top 10 most viewed adverts (in order) in full below.




