Google Makes Available Open Source Tilt Brush Toolkit

Google has taken to their blog to announce the release of the open source Tilt Brush Toolkit, a tool that allows Tilt Brush creators to export their creations into Unity, and animate them. Tilt Brush Toolkit comes with a suite of tools to make exporting your Tilt Brush paintings easy and give them the ability to move, as well as a number of Python scripts and a Unity SDK to make it easy to put them in Unity, or anywhere else you may want them, with a bit of work, and perhaps some help from the included file format conversion utilities. A few examples are also included, showing off a few of the capabilities of the new toolkit and giving novice users a jumping off point for their projects.

The first example included with the toolkit is an exploration game with a number of effects, such as guide arrows and teleportation, all made in Tilt Brush. The game shows off some complex implementations of various objects, as well as ways that developers can play with lighting. The second example is a racing game starring a very durable compact car, which shows off more different ways to play with lighting, and ways to apply physics to Tilt Brush creations in Unity through the toolkit. While the car demo can be played normally, the exploration demo is built for room-scale VR, though anybody using this toolkit might also own a HTC Vive, as this is currently the only platform that Tilt Brush officially supports.

The toolkit being open source means that developers can optimize it, add features, and port both the toolkit and things made with it around as they please, for the most part. Recent developments in the world of the Oculus Rift and its Touch controllers mean that Oculus owners can use Tilt Brush to create as well, which means that the crop of available creations that developers can use to imbue 3D movies and games with Tilt Brush’s signature style will be larger than ever. The toolkit has only just launched, but before long, expect to see Tilt Brush Toolkit creations hitting places like YouTube and Steam Greenlight.