Nintendo To Launch Fire Emblem Heroes On Android Feb. 2nd

Nintendo is set to launch Fire Emblem Heroes on Android on February 2nd, marking the company’s second official game that has been announced for the Android platform. The iconic video game company just announced Fire Emblem Heroes today during their Fire Emblem Direct event, which they live streamed on their official Twitch and YouTube channels, although it wasn’t the only thing announced as they had plenty of details to unveil about numerous upcoming games in their long-running and wildly popular Fire Emblem franchise.

This would not be the first news of a Fire Emblem game heading to mobile as Nintendo had previously stated last year that they had plans to launch a game from this particular series, in addition to a game in the Animal Crossing franchise which has yet to be announced. Fire Emblem Heroes will be a tactical RPG style of game, so users can expect plenty of in-depth elements like leveling up iconic characters and equipping them with new gear and items as well as learning each character’s unique abilities, and since this is a tactical RPG battles will use turn-based combat, meaning that you and your enemies will each take turns completing your attacks. The heroes in the game, of which there will be many to choose from, will each have a specific color type associated with their character and it’s these colors which could make or break each battle as certain colors will be either stronger or weaker than other color types. This adds an element of advantage or disadvantage to combat, and will make it so that players will need to think strategically about who they place in battle against certain foes.

The game will feature many of the familiar characters from past Fire Emblem games, but it will also introduce new characters to the series so there will be some new faces making their appearance for the very first time with this particular game title. The game will also feature multiple modes of play to keep players engrossed and excited about coming back for more, with the main mode being Story Map (similar to a campaign mode), as well as Training Tower, Arena Duels, and Hero Battles. Like Super Mario Run, Fire Emblem Heroes will require users to have an internet connection if they want to play the game. With an official announcement for Fire Emblem Heroes on Android and an exact date for the launch having been given, now all that remains is to see if Nintendo will actually release Super Mario Run before this latest title, as Android users have been able to pre-register for it for at least a couple weeks now. Users can also now pre-register for Fire Emblem Heroes in the Play Store if they’re interested in picking this game up.