Allo’s latest update reveals upcoming Android Auto support for the app as the APK shows some strings of code which point to support for the app’s notifications. Although it’s not detailed in the code, it’s expected that once Allo is usable from Android Auto that it will be able to send and receive messages like Google’s other messaging apps that already have support for the auto platform. In addition to Android Auto support, Allo also seems to be adding some other new features down the road, though like the support for Android Auto, there is no indication of when Google is planning to fold these into the mix for the app.
Included in these new upcoming features appear to be a couple more drawing tools that users will have access to. While there is already a pen tool available in the app that you can use to draw in messages, it seems that at some point Google will be expanding the nature of the drawing tools with a highlighter as well as a calligraphy tool, though only these words are mentioned and there isn’t any other detail about them, like if there will be multiple highlighter and calligraphy color options.
If you’re the emoji sending type, then you’re in luck as Allo looks to be getting a new set of emoji which will be animated. Google’s code within the latest Allo APK makes references to being able to shout emoji in a message and by shouting them to the person you’re talking to, they will animate. If you’ve never used the shout feature in Allo before, all you have to do is long press the send button after typing your message or inserting an emoji and what comes up is a slider bar that will either enlarge your context or make it smaller. Shouting is essentially dragging the slider all the way up to its largest size, and eventually Google’s addition of these special emoji will animate at this point. Lastly, it looks like Google is going to be adding in a new voting and polling option for users by way of a voting chat bot. This will be joining Allo’s other bot which went live earlier this year called the Lucky bot, which finds and inserts random images based on what you tell it to find. If you haven’t received the newest update to Allo yet, you can grab the APK from the button below.
Download Allo 6.0.034 APK (no dpi)