Google Maps Now Includes Favorite Location Saving & Sharing

As Google continues to expand the capabilities of Maps, one of the latest features is the ability to save and share your favorite locations. For those who often drive past a restaurant or landmark and say, “we need to try that place,” but then can’t remember where they were driving when they saw it or those places you want to make sure that your vacationing friends don’t miss out on visiting, this new feature will be of use. It is like keeping a bucket list handy for those places you really would like to visit or places you have been and would like to share with your friends.

Rather than jotting down places in a .doc message on your phone, Google Maps allows you to keep a well-organized list that can be shared with friends, and this can all be done without ever leaving Google Maps. It is quick, easy to do, and a painless process. You can either search for that favorite watering hole, tap on the place, simply press the “Save” icon and Google Maps will add it to one of the several pre-set lists. Those lists include groupings such as “Favorites” or “Want to Go”, although you can make up your own lists as well – ‘Favorite Bars’, ‘Favorite BBQ’, ‘Favorite Historical Sites’, ‘Favorite Places to Shop’, and so on. After you create your lists, you just need to go to the “Your Places” tab, press on one of the lists, and Google Maps will display them on a map so you can determine how close the place is to your current location.

This new feature works well for out-of-town visitors when you cannot be with them – just share your listing, and they can drive to the places you feel they would enjoy. You can add a category under “Your Places” such as ‘Best Spots in Pittsburgh’, share it, and your guest(s) can find their way around to the hottest spots in town – complete with directions and even the best places to park. The links are viewable on a mobile device or on a desktop. This latest feature is another example of Google continually adding new features in an effort to keep Maps as a one-stop place for all your travel needs.