YouTube's AdBlitz Channel Gathered All 73 Super Bowl 51 Ads

Not content to leave behind the brilliant advertising campaigns surrounding the big game, YouTube’s AdBlitz channel has now pooled videos of those from Super Bowl 51 in one place. As of this writing, the channel boasts a respectable 73 individual advertisements for your viewing pleasure. Thankfully, to make navigating the playlist a bit easier, search and sort tools are available. Super Bowl 51 has now come and gone, but lingering behind in everybody’s memory after the end of final ceremonies – in addition to big plays and other athletic highlights – are commercials.

When considering the sheer volume of potential customers that can be reached, it comes as no surprise that companies both big and small spend large amounts of money for spots to promote new products and ideas to consumers. All of that money culminates in what are arguably the best commercials of the year, sometimes providing a greater entertainment value than the big game itself. So it should also come as no surprise that a company associated with one of the world’s biggest earners from advertising wants to get in on the fun – and funds. The AdBlitz channel doesn’t just show the videos, either. The included sorting tool is fairly comprehensive, including 12 categories and several brands. The videos are even searchable, so if you know exactly the video you are looking to watch you won’t have to scroll at all. As a result, it is a relatively simple task to find a clip to rewatch or share with a friend even if you can’t remember exactly which product the commercial was about.

You could also just hit play and watch them all. The channel has an additional feature, allowing you to vote for which commercials you liked the best and helping to bring the somewhat common household tradition of debating the matter to a wider forum. Many tech companies were among those contributing to the commercials this year, with some of the more memorable ones being from mobile service providers. So whether you were looking around online for somewhere to rewatch the ad that caused a hilarious tweet-storm between Verizon and T-Mobile or the one from Sprint that had a Verizon customer faking his own death to get out of a contract, look no further.