Battery settings on the 7.1.2 Nougat beta now has usage alerts so that you can see which apps may be using too much battery power. For those who may be on the beta software if you navigate to the settings menu on your device, then enter into the battery settings, Usage Alerts will be a new section in the overflow menu that you can tap on to see a list of apps that are draining more battery power than they should, but the list will probably be empty if you don’t have any apps which are using up too much power.
If the list is empty it will say that there are no alerts since the last time you charged the battery up to full, so presumably the list will reset every time you throw the phone on the charger and leave it there till it reaches the max battery capacity. Although this is a fairly minor change it should be beneficial to most users as it provides that little bit of extra information about the usage of power from applications that you have installed on your device, and it should help to better narrow down which apps are battery hungry as the way that battery usage of apps currently displays outside of this version of the beta merely lists what percentage of the battery was used up by which app, but that doesn’t do much to tell you if any of those apps are using too much battery power and you would simply to have to guess based on the high percentage number.
Since this is part of the beta that was just recently released to those that are in the program, it might be a while before other users see this feature included as there is no launch date yet for Android 7.1.2 software as a stable release. That being said it can’t be too far off as Google plans to launch Android O later this year sometime in the Fall, so they’ll have to end up pushing out 7.1.2 before that to the compatible devices that are going to get it, which will be the Pixel and Pixel XL as well as the Nexus devices from 2015.