HTC’s Taiwan Facebook page has posted a teaser pointing towards “an unexpected surprise” with the date of March 20th. The company post may come as a surprise to many considering there have been no leaks lately surrounding the company. Considering the Taiwan-based company has only just released its HTC U Ultra and U Play onto the market, this essentially rules out a new flagship device so quickly after launch. Additionally, the fact that HTC has confirmed it will be focusing on high-end devices means it’s unlikely the announcement will have anything to do with a lower-end device.
The only device that the company is yet to release is the sapphire glass variant of the U Ultra but, considering the company has said the announcement will be “unexpected,” it seems unlikely the variant will be making an appearance at the launch. Essentially, this leaves only three options. Considering the green theme that is present in the announcement post, the company could be hinting at a new green color variant for its U Ultra and U Play devices. Aside from this, considering the company’s presence in VR, it’s possible the company could be preparing a product announcement, though considering the company has said that new hardware wouldn’t be coming before the end of the year, if the announcement is anything VR-related then the most likely option is a new accessory. Lastly, and perhaps the most intriguing option for many, is essentially a completely new product. This could either be a new smartphone, albeit a slightly cheaper offering, a new smartwatch or possibly even something unrelated to mobile. The options are essentially endless at the moment.
With only 5 days to go before the announcement, it won’t be too long before HTC puts everybody out of their misery and announces their “unexpected surprise.” With the date now set, though, it’s possible that some new leaks or rumors will appear over the next few days regarding the announcement. Whatever the company ends up announcing next Monday, though, it’s sure to boost the company’s revenue even further than reports have been claiming lately, something that is sure to please the company and help it on its route to recovery.