Earlier today T-Mobile shocked both the mobile and fashion worlds by announcing the launch of its T-Mobile ONEsie. In an unprecedented move, T-Mobile has looked to become the Un-Fashionable retailer and shake up the fashion industry, much like it has done as the Un-Carrier in the wireless industry, by bringing together the tech found in the latter to a garment suited more towards the former.
Unlike most onesies you can find on the market, the T-Mobile ONEsie is more than just a fashion statement as it looks to unite ONEself with ONE’s smartphone and their T-Mobile ONE plan. As the ONEsie is a full-body fitness tracker which can monitor a number or ONE’s vitals, including sleeping, waking, breathing, movement, body position, and more. In addition, and for those who often encounter a less than stellar mobile signal, the ONEsie also has the ability to deliver an improved signal for ONEself and those nearby. Adding to its wealth of features, the ONEsie also comes equipped with its own charging solution. As a result, a wearer can simply keep their smartphone in the ONEsie pocket and the natural body heat generated will charge both the ONEsie and the phone. While completing the feature spec list is a specially designed HoodiePhones hood which allows the wearer to listen to their music. So far, the Un-Fashionable attire has been met with rave reviews from industry analysts. According To Fashion-Forward Designer, Edna Mobile, the T-Mobile ONEsie is “gigabyte meets Gucci. It’s virtual meets Versace.” Further adding, that it “fogs my glasses!”
According to T-Mobile, the ONEsie is available in four different styles, including the standard ONEsie featuring all the features listed above. The additional three styles consist of a specially-designed ‘Sport’ edition, a ‘Comfort’ option for the home, and a ‘safe for work’ option which adopts more of an office look. The T-Mobile ONEsie is available now and from as low as $40. Which actually makes it cheaper than most T-Mobile data plans. You can find out more about the T-Mobile ONEsie including the painstaking design process by checking out T-Mobile’s latest promotional and behind the scenes videos below. This really is a revolutionary move by T-Mobile and the only thing we are not so sure about is the color – magenta.
Buy the T-Mobile ONEsie