UberEATS Restaurant Manager Debuts to Help Business Owners

As a business owner in the cutthroat world of restaurants, you know that anything that can give you an edge over your competitor is a huge plus. Uber has developed a new program they are calling UberEATS that will help restaurateurs grow their business by helping analyze what your customers think about your restaurant, the food served, and even the delivery process. Delivering is something Uber is already good at doing with hundreds of couriers on the road at any one time, Uber is able to deliver a customer’s meal in an average of 15 minutes. Uber’s system allows you to track the food order from the kitchen to the customer’s home. With more efficiency, less wait time, and faster delivery, that means more satisfied customers and repeat business.

Restaurant owners spend a lot of time trying to figure out if the customers truly liked that daily special or if their buffalo wings are too hot or not hot enough. Many owners and servers spend a good deal of time walking around and asking their patrons if everything is okay, but many customers do not want to tell them what they really think – they smile and say it was fine when they are thinking we will never come back. UberEATS surveys and gets the real scoop on what they like and don’t like, and this gives the owner a chance to correct the mistake from happening again. Staffing is another problem owners have – they want to have enough workers to cover their busy times, but they cannot afford to have an employee standing around while getting paid. UberEATS will also help promote your menu and work with you to improve pickup and delivery times. UberEATS is continually learning as more data comes in so it can customize an efficient package for your individualized restaurant.

Uber has been in the news a lot lately for all of the wrong reasons – their SVP of Engineering resigned amidst sexual harassment charges and CEO Travis Kalanick was caught on film in a person tyrant with a driver. However, that does not mean they are moving forward to grow their business into more than a taxi service. Uber is pushing forward with self-driving cars as the wave of the future and more technology that can only help Uber’s business in the long run. UberEATS is another one of their projects that appears to be a winner for those that own and operate a restaurant.